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We provide dedicated behaviour modification programmes to help you and your pet overcome behavioural concerns, including fear and anxiety, noise phobias, indoor toileting, over-arousal, aggression towards people or animals, and separation-related behaviours.

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Training sessions are formulated to shape your puppy into a confident, optimistic and resilient dog. Sessions are tailored to each dog's individual needs. Suitable for dogs under 1 year old.


Adult dog training sessions tailored to each dog's individual needs. This may include dogs that have little to no previous training, or others that wish to progress training further. Suitable for dogs over 1 year of age

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Training sessions are designed for dogs that have previously completed a package with us, whether this has been through Behaviour Rehab, Basics & Beyond, Ruff & Ready, Pathway to Success or any of their predecessors.


Group classes for dogs of all ages, breeds and backgrounds. This is a natural progression Pathway to introduce new, and advance exercises as you and your dog increase knowledge and understanding. You and your dog will be assessed on an ongoing basis and move up the classes as appropriate.


Please note: Pathway to Success is not designed for dogs with reactivity/behavioural issues.

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